lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Global Warming: Earth's worst enemy.

I think I will talk about a problem that affects not only my person but all the people around the globe. I will talk about the Global Warming, this is happening because the people on Earth, little by little, are destroying the ozone layer. Every piece of plastic, paper or any kind of trash you throw to the streets destroys the environment.

Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases (this is a very funny word) in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. The Global Warming causes extreme temperature changes, it can be from too cold to too hot. I think every person in this world has felt the consequences of the global warming. An example of the bad consequences that brings them Global Warming is: ten years ago, in November and December, the temperature was very low, and now a day the temperature is too high. I remember when the Christmas’s nights were cool and you had to wear a big sweater, gloves and a scarf, while drinking a cup of hot chocolate or coffee. Now, I wear a T-shirt, jeans and sun block, while I drink a cool, filled with ice, glass of Coke. The weather has changed so much in a short period of time.

Not only the weather and the people in Earth are affected by this problem, also the plants, animals and environments in Earth. The chemicals released in the gases combine with the gases and other chemicals in the atmosphere and this is what causes it to break or to tear apart. The breaking of the ozone layer causes the solar beams to enter directly into Earth. The ultraviolet rays (UV rays) make the people develop skin cancer, or even brain damage.

I think people should be aware of what will happen if we continue being this mean to the Earth. The poles are melting, the animals and pants are dying, people are developing cancer and other diseases and, little by little, we are destroying our beloved Earth.

I remember that when I was a little kid, my father used to take me to a little mountain near my house. We used to take long walks, we caught frogs in a little river that passed through the mountain, and we ate there, it a perfect day for me. We would go there every Sunday morning, but one Sunday, suddenly, he didn’t take me to my perfect place. We never returned to my beautiful place, until one day, this year; I went by myself to check that beautiful place and for my disgrace it was destroyed, full of trash and the river was almost dead and the water was almost black. I almost cried, I couldn’t believe that one of the most beautiful places on Earth (at least for me) was destroyed by the stupid pollution. I go so mad and sad at the same time.

I couldn’t write six hundred and fifty words but I want to leave you with one final message, please, take care of the world we live in. This is a beautiful world, we should take care of it, if we don’t, the entire world will collapse and it will destroy us all. Please, take care of you and the place you live in.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

A friend or a lover?

Is possible to fall in love with someone in such a short time? Well, I think it is possible. I met a beautiful, funny, smart, lovable girl this year. It all started when one gloomy, rainy day. That day I broke up with my girlfriend and I was very sad. I was telling the story to my best friend when this beautiful girl appeared and asked me what happened. I told her the story and she helped me with my problem. This gloomy day became one of the best days of the year.

We continued talking until one day we bet on a soccer game, Barça vs. Manchester. If Manchester wins she had to wear the Real Madrid T-shirt and take a picture of her wearing it. If Manchester loses she had to depilate my leg. Unfortunately, I lose. The next day she depilated my leg. It hurt a lot. I lose some hair, but I won something better, a friend.

We started talking more and more. We became best friends. We have a lot of thing in common, we both lose our father, we are both afraid of heights, we love candies and sleeping. Another thing we have in common is that we don’t like to talk to talk on the phone, but it’s funny that when we talk on the phone, the time passes so quickly and slow at the same time. It’s great talking with her about anything. Although we have a lot of things in common we differ in many other things like: she loves dancing and I can’t dance, she likes new music, I like old music, she is beautiful, I am ugly and many other things.

One day we were at a friend’s house “practicing” a show and that day something hit me. I think I started falling in love with her. Her beautiful smile, the way she looks at me, her curly-blonde hair, her perfect personality, the way she talks to me and much more are the things that made me fell in love with her. My best friend became the girl I love. Unfortunately, she has a boyfriend; they have been together since last year.

I didn’t want to fell in love for her because I knew I was just going to end with my heart broken, but I didn’t care. I didn’t tell her that I love her; I kept it as a secret. I remember one night; it was like 10:30 pm. When I got a text message from her telling me that she had a fight with his boyfriend, I got happy but sad at the same time. Happy because I knew it was just a step closer of becoming mine, but sad because I hate when she cries. It hurts when I see that she’s crying or sad. It’s true what they say: “You know you are in love when someone’s feelings are more important than yours”. Every time we talk is different than the last time, is better. Everything I do with her is better; writing a 650 words blog, playing Tic-Tac Toe, drawing elephants on the computer. Everything is perfect when I’m with her, or at least that’s the way I feel.

She is the best friend anyone could ask for. She helps me when I’m sad, mad, frustrated, stressed or whenever I ask for help. It doesn’t matter the way I feel, she always makes me smile. I try to return the favor, but I can’t be as good as she is. She is the girl I’ve always asked. I thank God for putting such a perfect girl in my way. It’s been only like six months since I know her, but these six months have been one of the best six months of my life. I found not only a super friend, but I found the girl I’m in love with. As the song says: “Lucky I’m in love with my best friend”, I’m very lucky to be in love with my best friend.

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

One great person I met.

One day, 5 years ago, I met an old man. I remember he had a lot of wrinkles in the face and everywhere, his bald and at the same time hairy head shined with the sun at the same time he said: -“Hello, my name is Roberto Asturias.” The first I saw him I thought he was like an old pedophile that wanted to rape me, but as I got to know him he became a great guy. We were at the park with my grandfather the first time we met.  He had a long, brownish, and a little destroyed coat. He was poor, he had almost no money to eat, and he used to sell the things he found on the street. With the money he made selling that stuff, he bought toys for the little kids. When I heard that the old man I thought was a pedophile was really a sweet, lovable man, I started helping him with money and clothes. We became kind of really good friends. I went to see him every day for a month. One day I asked him that why he was so kind with all the people, and why he gives everything he has to the people that needs it more than him. And he answered me that he had one kind of Leukemia and he only had three months of life. I was shocked by his news, I couldn’t believe it! We became so close that I could barely speak after what he said. I started crying, I finally found a friend who understood all my problems and who could help me figure out why I was here in Earth. I got to my house that night and I wrote a song, this song’s name is “amigo de verdad” it talks about the perfect friend, not the guys who only are your “friends” because of the money or interest. A real friend knows what, when and how to make you feel better and is always there for you. The next day I went to the park but I couldn’t find him, I searched everywhere for him but I just couldn’t find him. The next day the same thing happened. The same happened the next week and the next and the next. One day I saw him walking on the street, I was happy but angry at the same time. I ran and talked to him, he said that his cancer was cured by a “miracle”. I was so happy I couldn’t believe it. My friend was cured and now we could continue being friends. Do you think a middle-class kid like me would find an old, poor and kind man as his best friend? Well I did. We continued being good friends as before. One day he started acting weird. When I asked what was happening, he just answered –“nothing, I’m okay”. He was becoming more popular with the time, he had more friends and even he found a job in the Muni. But I realized something was wrong. I tried a lot of times of making him to say what he was thinking. One March 23rd, I was returning from school, when I saw a lot of people and an ambulance near the bench we used to sit and talk for hours. I got out of the bus and walked all the way to the park to find out what was happening. A lady told me that the old, bald and wrinkled man had died. I wanted to kill myself, I was devastated! Sometimes I remember this old man who taught me one, and maybe the most important, lesson in life:- “friends may be tall, fat, old, young, short, boy, girl, alien or cow, but they are still your friends and they will always find a way to make you feel better. I miss my friend, I really miss him, but now I know he is in a better place.